Easily the most popular cartoon and toy line of the 1980s, it was only natural the Joes would star in their own game.

User Rating: 7 | G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero APL2
Yo Joe! Easily the most popular cartoon and toy line of the 1980s, it was only natural that the Joes would star in their own videogame.

Unfortunately the game was released in 1984, and although that was the height of the Joes' popularity, the technology of the day didn't allow for a high quality game. At least the G.I. Joe team was in a videogame, and for that I suppose I should be thankful.

The game allowed the player to control of number of classic G.I. Joe characters in their quest to defeat Cobra's nefarious plans. Just like in the Sunbow cartoon, none of the Joes died during the game, instead they were captured. The cool part of that was one of the remaining playable Joes could rescue their imprisoned comrades.

A decent game for its time, the G.I. Joe franchise is in desperate need of a rebirth on gaming consoles.