Pure nostalgia. Play as all your favourite G.I. Joe characters

User Rating: 10 | G.I. Joe C64
This has to be my absolute favourite game on the Commodore 64. This game allowed you to control numerous types of gameplay which, in their own right, were awesome.

Fly planes, drive tanks, even take part in combat on foot. G.I. joe had everything.

Although the loading times within G.I. Joe were extremely long, it was worth it. With the theme of G.I. Joe pumping, the loading screens may even rival the gameplay at being pure entertainment.

The gameplay of G.I. Joe was pure fun, in it's rawest form. Whether one is attacking Cobra from land, sea or air - G.I. joe is there!

This game paved the way for all types of action games today. Tank and plane warfare,as well as awesomely fun on foot shooting action.

Overall, I recommend this game. Do anything possible to acquire this gaming masterpiece.