"The one, the only, the Ghostbusters!"

User Rating: 10 | Ghostbusters: The Video Game X360
Perhaps my rose-tinted nostalgia shades made me rate the earlier Ghostbusters games so highly. But in the new millenium, when the entire cast of the movies reunite to make one triumphant return, I had a skeptical optimism for the title.

The greatest game of all time. Sure, that's totally unprofessional hyperbole, but I mean it. Aykroyd and Ramis wrote a worthy sequel to the first movies, surpassing the quality of the second. The Ghostbusters, now in successful business again, are shaken by a paranormal surge of energy. To combat the rising PKE level and the influx of business, they bring in a rookie, the player, to help out. Through the strong, if a tad short, campaign you follow Peter, Ray, Egon, and Winston through New York, including some of their old haunts. It just feels like the next movie. The score, the acting, and the beautiful graphics take you into the 1980's series (even though the movie is set in 1991). The dreams of millions of fans, of zapping, capping, and trapping alongside the real Ghostbusters, have just been met.

Then there's the multiplayer. Unfortunately, there is no co-op campaign, or local multiplayer at all. But the online does the game justice. All except one game mode are co-op, that is you all have to work together to finish the job. Admittedly, most online players are just out to get the most cash and would just as soon blast you over as help you up, but find a group of dedicated 'Busters and you're set. These jobs range from a single game mode to a set of three in a row to see who nets the most cash across them. The one non-co-op mode is Slime Dunk. Players fight to see who can slam dunk the most Slimers in a single match. It's hectic, dangerous, great fun, and unfortunately often plagued with underhanded players. Get used to getting blasted over or abandoned in this mode. There are also specialty spooks that appear once you've met certain requirements called "Most Wanted Ghosts."

Unfortunately, there are some glitches. Sometimes the game will freeze up, though this tends to be the 360's fault as opposed to the game. Also, two of the Achievements are broken so they can't be attained without hacking (stay out of trouble, kids!). A few graphical snags, mainly in online due to bad connections, etc., also appear from time to time. But these don't ever pull away from the game.

Last Words: If you've ever wanted to be a Ghostbuster, here's your chance. I'd recommend this game to anyone, regardless if they can even pick up a controller.