Kurosawa would be proud!

User Rating: 9 | Ghost of Tsushima PS4

If you are a fan of Kurosawa movies, you will be in "awe" with this game. It's refreshing to find a game so beautiful and so real in terms of combat.

Most Japanese games are usually exaggerated over the top action button smashers, but Ghost of Tsushima delivers a 100% potential Kurosawa experience where a few slashes of your sword can kill an enemy.

Gameplay: 9/10
The game pretty much feels like a polished "Assassin's Creed" game. The combat is average paced and relies mostly on parrying and delivering death blows. You have to time certain attacks and move correctly as to not get killed. The thing about this game is that it's much slower than other games like "Sekiro" which makes this game extremely easy for "souls veterans" after a certain amount of gameplay you can ace through this game without a problem.

Story: 7/10

The great thing about the story is that is based on real historical events during the Mongol Invasion of Japan. So the background setting is based on true events, but the story does remind of your typical Kurosawa/ Japanese historical drama tale. The Japanese love themes of "revenge", "sacrifice", "honor" and "overcoming enemies". The story isn't as absorbing or deep as you would like, but it does deliver at least enough to stay interested. I simply didn't really care much for the protagonist, characters and their relationships.

Visuals & Sound: 10/10

GOT is a beautiful game. It might perhaps be the most beautiful game on the PS4 to ever be released. It literally looks like a painting brought to life. The music is not memorable but it does deliver that traditional japanese feel.

The bad:

The game does feel tedious after some time. The story and the characters don't seem to grip the audience much. As a "souls veteran" having completed Sekiro, Dark Souls 1,2,3 and Bloodborne until Newgame+7, i felt Ghost of Tsushima to be extremely easy especially after Act1.