ready for a intense and addictive gaming experience?

User Rating: 5.5 | Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex -Karyuudo no Ryouiki- PSP
well your not going to get one here .if this game is the future of fps handheld games then i quit being a gamer.the days that i spent
torturing myself with this game will not be forgotten. after the first 1min hype
of actual opening the game i was struck with the strange,boring and slow paced world of Ghost in shell stand alone complex.
the boring story,repetitive gameplay and horible control scheme murdered any hope of this game succeeding.
The control scheme will have your hands crossed and your fingers trying to achieve the unachieveable.
(if your thinking "pfft stfu n00b cntrlz iz nofinz" then think again i promise you'll understand once you try it)
The graphics at first seeming sleek and smooth are later set back by the horribile enemy models that resemble this

(-_-) (pew pew)
/ | \_!-- --- - - -
/ \
(for the uncreative that thing is a gun in his hand)

the sound although i dont understand what the say, makes the game sound athentic their smooth japanese voices spark some hope into this sad game.
(note i have the japanese version and dont know about the us)

if you like my review of this and would like to purchase it for twelve dollars go here: