When Rayman meets the TV...

User Rating: 7 | Gex PS
Well, not really. This is a basic side scroller with nice Rayman 1-ish gfx and good gameplay.

You play as a gecko who got stuck in media dimension or something. You start in this horror-themed world. The game starts pretty easy, but then you eventually get killed by enviromental hazards other than enemies, because those can be killed with one hit. You have to collect TV remotes to open new levels(these are a piece of cake to 'find') and discover new enemies and other stuff.

I enjoyed running around and hitting the enemies. That's pretty much all the gameplay there is. There's also some switches that make new platforms appear next to them. Some colored balls you have to collect. You know, the usual stuff.

The gfx remind of Rayman, but the main character is made using clay. The rest of stuff is hand drawn which is one of the styles I like most in sprite based games. Animation is nice, but could be better.

Now the sound is 'kay. The game features short lines by some comedian. The annoying thing is that as they're randomly chosen then sometimes get repeated. The music is great. The horror music I got to hear so far reminds of old horror movies.

Well, I know I didn't mention much detail, but anyways. I recommend this game to any platformer lover out there. Or people who enjoy 2D games and liked the looks of Rayman. Get it on eBay. They're usually less than 10 bucks..