Great game, but it's a little short.

User Rating: 8.5 | Genji: Dawn of the Samurai PS2
Ok, I like games like this one because I like going to places and slashing the enemies and what not. But the thing that I didn't like about this game was that it was kind of short. I expected it to be kind of short but not this much. I beat it in 3 days, only playing a few hours every day. I liked the story line, it had al the action it needed and all the characters were great to support that story line. My favorite character was the samurai which I don't know his name since it's kind of hard to remember and to write. He was really fast, had a decent attack power and defense. The only thing that didn't happened that I tought that was going to happen was that someone was going to fall in love with the guy. Wich is a good thing because games that you can tell what the ending is going to happen get really boring.

One feature that I liked was were everything goes really slow so that you can counter the attack and do some massive damage. I forgot the name but I think that it was something like Akumi. It got dificult to do, but it's handy to have with some of those dificult enemies. The graphics were good, I didn't really like how the last boss looked or his battle field but it was still good. The sound was ok, but I didn't like that it was only in Japanese with English subtitles. But on the other hand it was creative since it gives you that whole feeling of it being an actual story or something like that. The gameplay was good, but sometimes the characters didn't respond the way that I wanted them to or they were sometimes to slow to respond. Overall I liked this game and for that I give it an 8.5. I recomend this game to every one, just don't expect it to last you long.