Beautiful graphics added to hack-n-slash fun to make a great game.

User Rating: 9.6 | Genji: Dawn of the Samurai PS2
This is an epic game and worth the full purchase price to any action or adventure game fan. While you may have seen all of the elements before, the overall presentation is mind-blowing.
Truth be told, this is a mix of the best parts of the Onimusha series with a little bit of God of War thrown in to speed up the pace. You can say this is not original if you want, but since I like the Onimusha series, and loved God of War, then this game is great for me.
The game is not easy, but is not difficult enough to be frustrating. With all of the leveling up and arsenal of weapons that can be both purchased or found on various level, there is plenty of variety. The game offers plenty of unlockables to add replay value.
The camera is reminiscent of the original Devil May Cry, in that it cannot be manipulated by the player. However, there are no points in the game where either your character or the enemy go out of view.
The backgrounds are the most detailed I have seen in any game, and the music sets the mood well. The voice acting is all done in Japanese, but this really just adds to the overall atmosphere of the game.
This game is a solid 9.5 and a must have for any action, hack n’ slash, or adventure gamer.