Geist is an amazing achievement that is underappreciated because of its exclusivity to the Gamecube and lack of online.

User Rating: 9.2 | Geist GC
Here's a shocker for me. This game literally had my interest for a while, but I didn't see it being this amazing. I was truly amazing at the work that n-space did with this title, and I wish they would have gotten credit, so we can see an online version of this GC classic:

Gameplay: 9/10

The gameplay of this game is simply amazing. From possession of rabbits, rats, guards, pinball machines, and so forth, this game takes the cake in control of the environment. The biggest element of the game is possession, but also in how you scare people. From goofy moments, such as the parrot that shrieks "DIE" to its master, to the gross, like when you change water to blood, this game has a few tricks up its sleeves to keep you entertained. However, the core of the game is still a first person shooter. This is were the hit takes place, since the aiming in this game is is very precise. I mean, you have to be completely perfect ion aim to get this aim down pat. Also, the doors have this weird glitch going on where they don't open unless you move around.

Graphics: 8/10

Geist isn't a graphics king, and it shows. The title does have its moments of beauty, such as the shiny dog fur or the lighting being nice. However, most of the time, it has an average level of shine, showing that not much polish was put into it. Its a shame really, because it could have put it more on the map than it is now. Another issue is that environment has some glitches that get characters stuck, but they are hard to preform. However, its mentionable.

Sound: 9/10

The music of Geist has a good beat to it, but it suffers from a lack of variety. This could come from the title's very short length, but it still seems inexcusable since the game could have had different themes for different bosses. Otherwise, the SoundFX and voices are dead-on. Nothing seems to suffer here, and the game's storyline being told in text is a bonus to me.

Value: 9/10

The game is now below the $20 range, making it a perfect pickup for recent purchasers of the Wii or GC. The game is 15-20 hours in length, with some split-screen multiplayer to mix things up. The game is mainly for the FPS crowd looking for something different, and is definitely for fans of FEAR, thanks to the controls and possession feeling close to FEAR's slow mo action.

Tilt: 10/10

I loved this game, I really did. Geist took me by surprise and had me attached to it until I finished it. Not many titles preform that act on me nowadays, making it an achievement for the title. The story of Geist was something I liked as well, despite its vague nature and lack of details (namely the end being the biggest puzzler of them all). Still, this possession action was addicting, and made me love my GC once again. It also shows that I can't wait to play another game from n-space, thats if they make another.

Overall: 9.2/10.0

I recommend this game to an Wii or GC owner because its cheap fun with a 4player multiplayer possession deathmatch option. The title is short, but what better title to take upon in the summer than something that will begin and end fairly quickly. Geist, you are awesome.