Just another review saying how great this game is!

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War X360
This quite possibly might be the next "Halo". The gameplay is perfection, and the graphics are stunning. The cover system to the shooting to the movement- is all perfect. This is how you make a great game. The option to have no blood or gore is great for those who are younger, and the multiplayer in this game is almost as good as Halo's. The weapons in this game are fun to shoot, and the single player in this game is VERY well done. It has the atmospheric suspence and scares of Resident Evil 4 as well as the big action of Call of Duty or Halo. The enemies and level designs are top-notch. Even though some of the bosses are easy, they are very scar and cool. This is one of the best shooters ever made, and is really worth buying. Gears of War is not perfect, but is close enough to make this a true winner.