The bloodgulch of greatness mixed with the intense gamplay, graphics and story would make a great lunch.

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
now i like some games. and i love some games. but this here my amigos, i am IN love with this game. this game is magnificent and has such a great edge to it. the graphics are unbelievable and the gunplay is just jawdropping. now here we find our friend marcus fenix in a war with something called the locust horde that are out to take our planet and a team is assembled to take it out but with mishaps and those "stuff happens" occerences make some lineup changes for our gears. lead by general RAAM (whatever that means) tends to screw you over every chance he gets. Gears of war also offers a immersely intense multiplayer experience on and ofline as well as great co-op. this is a keeper and not a renter and whoever does not have this game but has a 360...should just be wiped off the face of the earth.