A tad disappointing, Gears of War still managed to entertain me for several hours. Great fun!

User Rating: 8.5 | Gears of War PC
I was finally able to beat one of the most recognizable games of the current generation and probably the first to show what the generation was capable off at the beggining but I couldnt help to feel disappointed. Most certainly I was expecting too much out of a (now) "old" game but I can see why it was so praised back then. I beat the PC version with a official MS controller so it was more or less the same experience as the X360 counterpart. Controls and gunplay are solid and its great fun to kill locust in what I would describe "with a gushing feeling". Kinda like in Killzone when you kill helghast, the amounts of gore/blood and the corpses physics that reacts at almost every bullet gives a great feeling of impact. The graphics are severely dated and even for the time I dont think they were that great. They're saved by a competent artstyle though. I was kinda taken by surprise by the high difficculty of the game in Hardcore mode (wich I believe is the normal mode). Got killed plenty when the enemies are trully agressive and rush into you when in cover plus the fact they're basically bullet sponges, especially the later enemies that can kill you with one bow shot but only die after at least 4-5 mag clips. Its idiotic! And just wait until the final boss. You're in for a treat (a bad treat that is...). Besides its plenty of problems I still enjoyed it immensily and can recommend it to people who like shooters and a good challenge. I'm hoping I'll end up beating gears 2 and 3 aswell. Hopefully in a not too distant future