User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War 3 X360
this game absolutely has what it takes for any type of gamer out there.the graphic is excellent,the unreal engine runs great and as we know it's a engine that made a totally awesome experience in playing a lot of games today.a lot of games run this engine and all i can say is just thumbs up. besides the graphics,the story line is great especially for an ending of a trilogy.the gameplay is totally adictive and there are slight changes in GOW 3 than in it's predecessors that make the game even more fun.multiplayer option with the beast mode and few others are not seen in any other type of game and give us a new and very exciting experience in GOW 3.the characters are superb the weapons are excellent the gameplay is breath taking and the multiplayer brings a totally new type of experience for this type of games.the atmosphere is very interesting while playing the game and simply doesn't let you leave your controller on the table and do something else until you finish the game.it's very adictive,it's brutal,violent....but hey that's gears of WAR...it says so in the title :) ....that's why it's fun and will definitely be remembered for one of the best games of all times......