A short, but fun arcade experience. Thank goodness for Xbox Live!

User Rating: 7 | Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows XBOX
Game Play - The combat system is very fun in this game. Just about every button on the controller is used for some sort of attack, yet it still remains accessible. Each of the four characters have a variety of moves and combos that you can purchase between levels, and despite the GameSpot review, the 4 characters do play differently. The Warrior is easily the best at melee fighting. His basic axe attacks have great reach and do tons of damage, and his special moves are quite destructive. However most of his attacks are slower and take more time to execute. The Wizard is much more range focused as many of his attacks are meant to be used from a distance. The Wizard only has one move where he directly strikes an enemy with his staff. The Valkyrie and Elf are more balanced in melee, ranged attacks, and speed...but they both have different styles of fighting and special moves.

Graphics - The graphics are really quite good. The environments are very pretty and offer some good variety from level to level. All the player attacks and movements are animated well. The special attacks have some pretty cool particle effects. The characters and enemies look alright from a distance, but certainly could use a bit more detail.

Sound - I absolutely love the orchestral music in the background. It truly builds the right atmosphere for this game. The weapon and magic sound effects are execute well and help to make the action more satisfying. The disembodied voice and storyteller in the game has an appropriate tone and accent, though he can get a bit repetitive especially with multiplayers losing health, dieing, and reviving close together.

Value - This is only one gameplay mode with four difficulty settings. The game could take between 5 to 10 hours to complete based on the difficulty setting, the number of players, and their skill with the game. I would liked a longer adventure, but having 4 player support offline and online provides most of the replay value for this game. Playing online is an absolute blast when you have people with good connections! In addition, as you build a character you can use him online and offline in any game as you like. So you can level up your character and then start the whole adventure from the beginning on a higher difficulty setting.

Overall, I think this is a very fun, simple, arcade style game. My only major problem is the repetition. The game badly needs some depth in the gameplay department.