Poor translation of two great arcade games.

User Rating: 3.1 | Gauntlet / Rampart GBA
I personally bought this version for Rampart. I loved the arcade game and used to rule it for hours as 3 other poor souls wasted their quarters trying to beat me. This is a POOR translation of that arcade game and I wish I would not have wasted my money. I own the Super NES version and It is much better.
Some of the problems I have with this version includes: The slow placement of wall pieces during the rebuilding stage. I thought it locked up my GBA sometimes because it took so long. The ships you have to kill are all not on the screen when you start a level. It makes it more difficult to win a level if you can't see all the ships. The attacking men are not killed when you surround them with walls. The only way to kill them is to shoot them.
Please don't buy this cartridge looking for a Rampart fix. You are better off getting the Super NES version and can play it against friends. The NES also reproduces the arcade experience much better.