Not really the sharpest tool in the shed, but it still is a decent game

User Rating: 6.3 | Gauntlet: Dark Legacy GC
I know, my reviews aren't really the greatest, but here we go.......

I borrowed this game from a friend, and this what I've learned so far

+Good multiplayer
+Sweet supermoves
+Good bosses
+Good payout when you beat the bosses
+So many classes to play as (ex. Jester, Archer, Knight, etc.)
+Great story line
+Good controls
+The narrator has the coolest voice!

The bad things are though.........

-Dumb graphics
-Hated the plaque fiend's stages (ex.mothership, docks,etc.)
-AI for regular grunts are as dull as an eraser
-Gargoyles are really hard to beat
-The defense of bosses multiply for every player you have on the team.
-Pojo is really useless
-Single player sucks compared to multiplayer

I am the only person who plays video games in my house, so, it's kinda boring playing alone, but if you have other people over, you'll kinda have a blast with this game.