Time for this unknown game to get its well paid for respect.

User Rating: 8.5 | Gargoyles GEN
The Gargoyles review. This game doesn't seem to be very popular but it is one of the first games I have ever gotten for the genesis and I was a kid, besides Sonic the hedge hog. Now it has a normal plat forming engines that I really enjoy playing, but also it has been used many times before and is really outdated. The game play, the game is a classic and is very fun to play, but it can be very repetitive. The game is very tough for a plat forming game, I spent many hours on this game and found it to be very hard. It took me awhile to beat it but I have done it and I’m proud. You have to go through the game find little puzzles sometimes to open up a doorway or something. The boss battles are quite well done, I really enjoy battling them. But the whole plot on is pretty epic not to inspired but it has its moments. So its game play is fun but repetitive at times but it’s a classic. 8/10 The graphics, are pretty good for the genesis not as good as Sonic though it does get a bit glitched out. Now it does a good job of keeping the back rounds dark and creepy for the gargoyles setting, with rain falling consistently. There are beautiful areas of this game also, like the enemies are well textured, and there is a lot of detail into the envirements and the characters which really help the graphics out. So all in all the graphics are the best part of this game and it really shows, and helps. 9/10 The sound is not well done sounds may not show as it should, and there isn’t much talking which there should be. There is some good music that plays for a cartridge game that I really enjoyed, but it got repetitive in each of the levels it was the same music so it was a drag after awhile. The punch sounds sound like they were made with someone’s mouths, which is really fun to l;isten to actually. I didn’t see to many interesting thing in the sound system but it has enough to keep it interesting. 7/10 The value is worth it, you can find this game for probably $3 so it’s a definately buy for how classic it is look for it and I know you will have fun. It is a long game not the longest of every game out there that are classics. The storyline may not par up to Mario’s, or Sonic’s but it does well enough to keep you interested. Yes this game is worth the buy and it is fun enough for me it should be for you, great classic get up go out and find this $3 game. My overall thought for this game is that it is really fun, and I had one of the greatest times of my childhood playing this, and I plan to play it more after I get sick of all these new generation games. I hope someone finds this review because I have put some time into it haha. 9/10