Garfield Kart Cured my Cancer

User Rating: 10 | Garfield Kart PC

Garfield Kart is one of the most essential video games of all time. You can't even call yourself a gamer if you've never played yourself some Garfield Kart. Before I found Garfield Kart I had fallen into a deep deep depression with seemingly no escape, I went to the doctor and found out I had stage 200 pee pee cancer. My life changed when I found Garfield kart. As soon as I turned on the game I knew that everything would be OK, that Garfield Kart would fix everything. I now have over 10,000 hours of Garfield Kart on my steam account. Whenever I feel down I just play Garfield Kart and it instantly ends my depression. After the first few days of Garfield Kart I noticed overall improvements to my health. My pee wasn't bloody anymore, I wasn't shaking anymore, I could actually eat food. It was amazing. Later that week I went to the doctor and he told me that my cancer was completely gone, that he had never seen anything like it in his entire career. After that I knew it was destiny that I found Garfield Kart, it must be. I know now that I have Garfield Kart nothing can stop me, I have found my purpose in life, to play Garfield Kart. All in all, i rate 10/10.