Buckle your swash and prepare for high seas hi-jinxs with Galleon

User Rating: 7.6 | Galleon XBOX
SHIVER ME timbers me harty...time to buckle my squash and find my pieces of eight! You may have guessed already that this game review is all about pirates and the high seas. Galleon out now on the Xbox is a fantastic epic tale of action, adventure and romance all set in a time when pirate software referred to the silky piece of clothing a cut-throat marauder would wear. To say this game is amazing would be a real understatement – it is fantastic. From the makers of Tomb Raider, Galleon takes the gamer on a real swashbuckling adventure in a bid to unlock the mystery of an enchanted ship that holds the key to the most powerful weapon in the universe. Okay, so the story might be a little far-fetched, but playing the gaming is first-rate. You play a very strange looking character, Rhama Sabrier, who must rely on his wits to survive, fending off fiendish adversaries with swords, pistols and Qing-Gong – an ancient martial art which allows Rhama to scale impenetrable walls, jump enormous caverns and swim to incredible depths. According to developers the game is inspired by a mix of Sinbad, Errol Flynn, Kung Fu films and Disney and to be honest, I agree. This is the sort of game that will immerse you for hours. It looks amazing, plays even better and is definitely the sort of game you will keep going back to time and time again – three factors I always look for in any game. It’s worth mentioning the control system, as this is always the Achilles’ heel of these type of game – thankfully, this game is unique. For the first time since I can remember, you actually control the camera and not the character. Now before jumping up and down and demanding to know how you can control Rhama through a camera, let me enlighten you. You control the camera. Point it where you want to go and Rhama will follow. It basically amounts to the same as actually control the player first-hand, but with a great novel twist. When Rhama’s dashing at a full, throttle, he’ll automatically scamper across small obstacles or roll under gaps without you having to worry about timing any button presses...cool! Galleon really is a game of substance which if you play for long enough could leave you with a bountiful plunder.