A particularly good Space Invaders clone.

User Rating: 7 | Galaga X360
Yes, this game resembles Space Invaders entirely. Yes, it's also much much better. From its humble beginnings as some sit-down arcade machine in a smoky bar (if you've never seen an arcade game where you can set your drink on the screen, you really must find one) to its moment of glory where Jeff Bridges plays it in Tron, this game has a soft spot in the hearts of many, many gamers. I strongly encourage anyone to play the demo, especially if they're interested in what the early days of the arcade games golden age was all about. The game is simple, ramps up in difficulty very quickly and is extremely frustrating as the levels wear on. In fact, it takes after Geometry Wars in this way. Before the Japanese could dump total cutesy anime garbage on us via video games, they pretty much owned in the completely competitive, action-oriented games. This one's no different and is worth a try.