One of the most daring expansion packs ever

User Rating: 9.5 | Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor PC
TA is the crowning acheivement of the gal civ series. It adds a special uniqueness that was missing from the previous expansion and original game. Each faction has its own tech tree and techs that give real depth to the game play. It also over went a face lift in the graphics department and this was done in a way that allows for even bigger maps which is nice, on in the case of low end machines we can now play the game all the way through with out huge lags at the end.

Ground combat is atleast better looking but still could have been improved in my book but its a minor issue. Space is still king, though I wish they would have included a tactical battle sim or mulitplayer but that war rages on over on the forums all the time.

All and all this is a must buy expansion, if you onw the game you most likely have already bought it and if your on the fence about buying the series this is the expansion that I think will really push you over the top and make this a must have for anyone who loves a good empire building space game.