The good: Futurama is awesome. The bad: This game is torture to play.

User Rating: 4 | Futurama PS2
I am a rabid fan of all things Futurama, so I went on eBay and bought myself a copy of this game for $17. As far as Futurama humor goes, this game has it in spades. Fans of the show will get some enjoyment out of it. But if you strip out all Futurama-related elements, this game could pass as a torture device.

The game uses checkpoints for autosaving within a level, so if you die (which will happen A LOT) you go all the way back to the last checkpoint you hit 10 minutes ago. Sometimes the checkpoints don't even work, so you have to start at the beginning of the entire level if you die (see the Bogad swamp level with Zoidberg). This game is not for the faint of heart. If you have a heart condition, or do not enjoy ulcers, then I would suggest you skip the actual gameplay. The only way I found a shred of gameplay enjoyability (Futurama elements aside) was to use the cheat codes to stop me from dying every 2 seconds.

Level design is as cliched and boring as you could ever imagine (probably worse). The camera needs work although it's better than the camera in the Simpsons Game. It'll still give you headaches occasionally. I would also recommend using the Unlock All cheat code, which gives you access to all the cutscenes. You can watch these back to back, and it almost plays out like a missing episode, which is pretty awesome.

If someone forced me to play this game from start to finish without any cheat codes, I'd probably have to commit suicide first (you think I'm kidding...) I cannot recommend this game for anyone that doesn't absolutely love Futurama. And for the fans, I would suggest using the invincibility cheat code all the way through. While I only got 3 ulcers while playing this game, I'm still glad I was able to experience just a little bit more of my favorite cartoon of all time.