Full Spectrum Warrior's got to be one of the most realistic games in years, but the result may or may not satisfy you.

User Rating: 8.6 | Full Spectrum Warrior XBOX
Full Spectrum Warrior, being based on a training aid for the real US Army, was made to be as realistic as possible. This realism, however, can make for real drawbacks in the gameplay, so whether you love or hate this game will depend on whether you're looking for realism or entertainment. I'll explain:

Gameplay: The basis of FSW is to move your squad (usually comprising of 2 fire teams) through hostile terrirory in a nation called Zekistan. Your squad, "Charlie 90" is part of a NATO operation to dismantle a dangerous military regime. The game is fairly slow paced, as you must be very cautious about where you send your men, because if they end up in the line of fire without cover, it won't be long until you take casualties. If that happens, you gotta take the wounded soldier with your squad and get him to a medical station (called cazevacs) to get him revived. Although realistic, the slower pace of this game may frustrate many gamers who are used to shooters like Halo or Call of Duty.

Graphics: The graphics, for a game made over a year ago, are pretty good. sandstorms will cloud your vision, tracer fire will whizz by your desert camo wearing squad. The screenshots pretty much tell the whole story as far as graphics go.

Sound: The sounds in this game are great. From the mysterious middle-eastern style music that plays during missions, to the whizz of enemy fire by your soldiers, the sounds in this game really puts you into it. It should also be noted that this game has quite a bit of language. Take a group comprised mostly of young men, put them in the desert where they've never been, and shoot at them and what do you hear? The F word my friend, many many times too. The comments of your squad members will add some personality to them, making you get a little bit of an attachment to the men you command. Each really do have their own personality and it sh ines through throughout t he game.

Value: The only real feature in the game is the single player storyline. The multiplayer mode is more of a hinderance then an extra feature, but the storyline is long enough to keep you occupied for quite a while. Plus there's quite a contrast between the game's 2 difficulty levels, so once you've mastered the easier difficulty, you can bump the difficulty up and see how you fare with less equipment, and more dangerous enemies.

Tilt: I love Full Spectrum Warrior, but if you're into more fast paced action rather then realism and tactics, FSW probably won't be up your alley. But hey, I got the game for $15 and it was well worth the money. So even if you don't end up liking FSW, you won't have wasted a boat load of money, so even if you're unsure about FSW, picking it up for 10-15 dollars isn't a very big risk.