
User Rating: 3.6 | Full Spectrum Warrior XBOX
Where to begin?

Should I start with the lack of depth, or the absolutely slow gameplay. Slow usually being the last word associated with a shooter.
Let me clarify, after seeing so much about this game the only quote I can put to words would be, ""

You command(literally) a squad of 3 men and give them combat orders through various desert cities. Move here, shoot here, defend, etc....... As you complete various objectives. For some this may be great but for be, I would enjoy watching CNN far more.

As for realism this game does hit the mark, if you want to train an army of terrorists tactics, this would be the game to do so It will teach you how to lay down covering fire while you team moves up, how to flush out an enemy. It will teach you that if you are behind a wall or a car even if you are poking out and firing that you will never get hit but dont worry your opponent owns this same feat of invulnerability. Nevertheless if they are close, very close (being as your men can't effectively throw a 5 lb frag more than 15-20 yards) you can blow them out of your cover.

The low down:

Pros:Realism, everyone loves that right? The sound and graphics are very on-par for the xbox.

Cons: Your men have guns but you have no control over those guns whatsoever except which general direction to shoot them. Is this game really a shooter? Next time I am being shot at(whenever that is) I will just put at least half my body behind a wall and goto sleep.

Final word:

I could not honestly recommend this game to anyone, if I was running boot-camp I could make soldiers play this to learn some tactics, but I think cleaning and m16 would have more entertainment.