Attention all games! Put your hands up if you were based on the actual training video for the U.S Army.

User Rating: 7.8 | Full Spectrum Warrior PS2
There aren’t many games that were originally planned for the actual American Army. Well Full Spectrum Warrior was designed to do that. At first it was a video to help soldiers know what they are doing, now though, Pandemic and THQ thought it was a real investment to make this into a game. Lets so if it paid of when I go and review Full Spectrum Warrior The story is pretty much the same as any terrorist game that you might come across. Basically, tension is rising between the east and the west and your squad the MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) has been sent to do the job. Back to the story, many Taliban stormed over to Zekistan to seek refugee, by invitation from the dictator of Zekistan, Jabbour Al Afad. Pakistan then allows entry into airspace loads of troops are waiting in the Arabian Sea and bingo, before you know it, the whole place is swarming with U.S troops, taking out armour, defences and terrorist bases. The game play of this game is tactical and squad based shooter. The controls will take time to master and there is so much to learn and do that it will take time to learn. Though thankfully there is several training missions that you can do that will make your life easier. The training, I have to admit is the best representation of a real life, each training session is divided into specific category so you don’t have to go through a whole session to get to where you want. Full Spectrum Warrior is a very unique game in that you don’t move or shoot. No you have an icon similar to the war games you play over the P.C etc. Yes, if you like you’re a squad leader but you can’t shoot manually. Nope a computer does it all for you. Your team is split into Alpha and Bravo and they both have the same amount of people and each team has the same types of people. These include: Team leader, lead your squad into the most dangerous of fire-fights, Automatic Rifleman, this guy has all the machine guns you need to take the enemy down, M203 Gunner, this guy has a standard M203 assault rifle with a grenade launcher and finally, Rifle man, well, he is good for pinning down enemies I guess. What I like best is the feature of your vision. If you press a specific button it will show one area in grey and one in colours. The one in colour means the area you see that grey means the area you cannot see. This is good for when your pinned down and can’t find anywhere to go. The enemy are hard people in this game they will be hard to conquer and shooting them head on isn’t the answer. What you have to do is basically flank them out. Use one team to suppress and one o kill though its not as easy as that as there are loads of enemies that get in your way. The graphics are superb. The colours and textures of the desert really make this a good game to look at. The characters are well defined and detailed. The cut scenes are amazing to look at. Even though the environments get a bit to repetitive it doesn’t bother me. In the sound department I didn’t really hear any music. It gets very fast noisy when you are in a fire fight, though I think not having any music would further enhance the realism. Though the explosion sin the back ground add it to its quality. Overall Full Spectrum Warrior is only for them hard core tactical gamers. As you don’t fire a single shot and move some people will find it frustrating. With good game play and a basic story, Visuals and sound (well what is little of it) to match. I’d defiantly buy this if you loved the tactical side of war. So another game by Pandemic amazes me.