Not Very Good At All.

User Rating: 5 | Full Spectrum Warrior PS2
Full Spectrum Warrior may be a change from other war games, but this tatical shooter i'nt very good.

GOOD: Different

BAD: Poor frame rate, chuttering camara, rubbish tutorail, not a good Tatical, stupid IA.

Techniequly you dont play, you kindda whatch and give comands, thats about it, but the best thing about it is that it takes a different approche from other shooters, but stick with the TPS or FPS, cos this one is'nt very good

The graphics are fair, but the frame rate you rubbish and a the camara shecks all over the place making it hard to spot eneramys.

It does have a cool story with cool voice acting, but nothing to be proud of.

Boring, usless and not a good game to play. stay away.