User Rating: 8 | Full Spectrum Warrior XBOX
THE GOOD: The control/command system is very easy to get used to which is surprising considering the originality of the gameplay. It plays unlike any squad-level combat game I've ever played. Your role is basically that of commander. You take no direct action but instead order your squads around. The graphics are nicely detailed, but nothing jaw-dropping. I thought the animation of your soldiers was impressively realistic as they moved from cover to cover. The audio work also does a solid job of immersing yourself in a Middle East warzone. Nothing more satisfying than seeing your squad unleash a hellish barrage of suppression fire. I like the fact that the missions really make you more aware of tactics as well as danger zones. I was really able to learn from my mistakes and improve the efficiency and survivability of my soldiers.

THE BAD: I don't finish many games but this one I finished in about 2 days. It's a very short game with little replayability unless you go online. A skirmish mode with randomized enemy counts/locations would've been nice. Another complaint is the enemy AI. As stated by other reviewers, the enemy AI is especially lacking in the area of avoiding grenade attacks. This might be an actual reflection of poor terrorist training but I doubt it. Did I say that the game was short?

OVERALL: I was really looking forward to this game when I first read about it in last year's E3. My biggest gripe is how quickly the game ends. No doubt that people with Xbox Live will get bonus downloadable content but for those that don't, I can't recommend buying FSW at full price. It's just too dang short.