Not much can be said about the 159th of Fort Benning.

User Rating: 9.2 | Full Spectrum Warrior XBOX
Actually I dont think the 159th even exists. But if these guys are representing my home state (Georgia), then I need to move.

This game bases itself off of the hunt for Osama or one of his cave-dwelling butthead cohorts. You can pick whichever. This game takes place within about 3 city blocks (which is big) and all within 12 hours. Ok 13 hrs, 45 min, I did the math. At one point I caught myself in the middle of class (back when I was in high school) thinking of strats for this game to get past one hard moment. Some levels are notoriously easy. So much that you can't believe they added them. Others will make you grind your teeth at night. But then, eureka! You know what to do. And you do it, and it works. Which is part of the whole innovation of the thing.

The graphics can be summed up in one word: dusty. It really pulls off nicely to show you a third-world country. Many would complain that its just another lame semi-shooter. But its not, its all about tactics. That and because these guys shoot so horribly its pathetic. I mean, you can have 4 guys standing in a small alleyway, one enemy in the open at the other end, and you will lose. Take cover or die, thats what its about. If I had a high def TV with surround sound, it would be so awesome. But no, I have a 19 inch thats going out on me and mono. So anything that happens behind me, I dont know about unless one of my guys points it out. And at points the action or ambient noises gets so loud I miss important things that I needed to know. And just when you radio for a mission outline, one of your guys makes a wisecrack that lasts 50 seconds. Causing you to miss what you need to do. Solution, put on subtitles.

I havent taken this thing online, but trust me, I want to.
The way this thing ends leaves it completely open for another game. "The next 12 hours of the war is about to begin." Well Pandemic, get to it and start it for us.