A very different, and pretty fun gaming experience....

User Rating: 8.6 | Full Spectrum Warrior XBOX
I love strategy games, and I love war games. So when I saw Full Spectrum Warrior, I thought I should give it a try. While it has a few control issues that could've been tweaked, it is am overall great game.

Gameplay- The controls can take awhile to get used to, especially when the camera swivels when you switch teams. Ordering the troops around is pretty smooth once you get used to it. And I love how you get to use real military tactics.

Graphics- The graphics are pretty good, but the setting of the game doesnt really allow for a huge display of the Xbox' graphical power. The graphics are still pretty good even though the game takes place in a very sandy, arid locale.

Sound- Gritty and brutal like a war themed game should be. Soldiers swear a lot. music is nice and tense most o fthe time.

Fun/Value- While this game will last you not very long, and doesnt have a large amount of replayability, it is a very fun, genuine, and unique experience that anyone who is interested in strategy or war games should give it a try.