A strange game in a strange world with strange puzzles. The game is creative and looks great, but it's... strange.

User Rating: 6.5 | Full Pipe PC
Hot on the heels of the incredible indie adventure game Machinarium, I tried Full Pipe. In some ways it's similar, but in a few key ways it's very different, and ultimately fell short for me.

The good:
1. Really creative and wonderfully hand-drawn game world and characters.
2. Straight forward point-and-click adventure game mechanics
3. No text or speech -- yes, I consider this a good thing. The game world's humor and emotions of its citizens are done entirely visually.

The not-so-good:
1. It's just weird, man... the puzzles are often nonsensical and lead you to the "click everything with everything" approach.
2. The sound effects and music were really annoying to me... lots of grating high tones, groans and piercing noise.
3. Very short -- I finished in about 3 hours.

Overall, it's... interesting. But seems to try a little hard to be weird for weird's sake, and the puzzling and exploration suffer because of it. Go play Machinarium instead...