Handles like Burnout, attacks like a demented crab with a pea shooter. Nice concept, but not an ideal PS3 addition.

User Rating: 5.8 | Full Auto 2: Battlelines PS3
I was pretty disappointed with this title, after looking at the box and images online. I wish I'd played a demo first before forking out my money.

I probably wouldn't have bought it if i had.

If you like racing games that have a control of Burnout, you may be happy. It seems you can never take a corner right. I always end up smashing into the corner on the inside, or going wide and ending up exploding against some wall somewhere.

After getting used to it for a while, I realised that although I was finding it hard to control, I was generally quite into it. Not sure why, perhaps it was a voice inside me forcing me to like the game after spending £49.99 on it. I'd moved through a few levels, unlocked some new cars, new weapons, and was starting to control better, but there are limits to what you can do.

The idea of shooting and driving has always been good (Lucky & Wild, anyone?) and this game tries to do it well, but the truth is, unless you have your target directly in front of your reticule, you'll find it hard to blast them and stay on course at the same time. Unless you have three thumbs.

The music is ok I guess, nothing special. Just about what you'd expect from a destructive racer. The graphics were a little disappointing to me, I could easily see this game appearing on a PS2 instead of it's younger but bigger brother. They just didn't "wow" me like Motorstorm and Formula 1. It's a pretty hard game, if you're planning to attempt unlocking every single thing you can. Alot of the secondary objectives will be very hard to get, and I'll probably miss a load out. In total it probably took me about an hour to get to a reasonable control level. I've got loads of driving games that only took me a few minutes, so that was a little disappointing too. I couldn't just jump right in.

Trying to connect to multiplayer wasn't much good, after searching all game types, I saw a greatly hefty one other person online. Since you need 4 players minimum to get in game, I didn't wait to see what happened. I'll try again after a few days. Some others might get online in the meantime.

Overall, if you're just looking for something to pass the time (and you have money to throw away) then this might be up your street. Enjoyable once you've mastered it, and gives a good feeling of relieved aggression when you blow your opponents up. If you want something solid, deep, and long-lasting, you'd better wait for something else. This game could have been far better. I for one am thinking of seeing if I can take it back and swap it for something else.