Much improved over the first Full Auto!

User Rating: 8.6 | Full Auto 2: Battlelines PS3
The next installment of Full Auto is a good one. Let me tell you why. The graphics are pretty sweet and the controls are great. What i really like about this game is the enviorements. You can make walls collapse on your opponents or make have 10 barrels roll onto the field causing crazy explosions. And not every level is a race. There is even some levels where you have to get the most kills. No laps just kills. The vehicles are much better too with better weapons and much better detail. Full Auto 2 is a must purchase if you enjoyed Full Auto on the 360.

Graphics - 8.5
Super crisp graphics with some great detail. Beautiful explosions and much more.

Sound - 9
Awesome soundtrack and with surround sound hooked up its a whole new world. You can hear other crashes from behind you, next to you, in front of you. Surround sound! BRILLIANT!!

Value - 9.5
Along with a fantastic single player mode comes a great multiplayer mode. It is loads of fun online and will have you playing for hours.