Full Auto 2 is an action packed vehicular combat games that has its ups and downs.

User Rating: 6.5 | Full Auto 2: Battlelines PS3
Gameplay --- 7

The gameplay of Full Auto 2 is easily the best part. I mean Cars + Guns + Bigger Guns + Race to the Death = FUN! Theres three main modes of play in Full Auto 2, Career (I beat the game), Arcade, and Online. I haven't played online yet so I can't exactly review that but I'll tell you about the other two.

Career mode is where you unlock all the cars, weapons, paint jobs, tracks, and other good stuff. You basically compete in a tournament against a terrorist group called the Ascendants for the good of Miridian City in a weak story with a bad ending. But forget the story, were here to play! You face off against the Ascendants to unlock new cars and goodies in two different game types. The first type is just a race with specific goals that need to be achieved. The second is just an all out gladiator death match which also has goals to meet. You meet the goals, you move on. Nice and easy. But maybe not so easy... Some of these races and death matches are just a pain and you'll find yourself trying to beat them over and over and over. The last level is just plain annoying as far as this goes. But other than that its still fun =]

Arcade mode gets boring real quick unless if your playing with friends, so just stay with Career and Online if you please.

Other than that all I can say is there could have been more cars and maybe more weapons.

Graphics --- 7

We have to remember that we're in the next generation here so graphics need to be AMAZING to catch my eye. Full Auto 2 had good graphics, they just could have been better. Games like Burnout 3 on the PS2 are almost on par with these so I can't say too much there.

But Full Auto 2 has almost completely destructable enviornments which is very nice. It also has a very nice physics system and the cars damage quite nicely. So the graphics had some good points

Sound --- 6

The game has good in game sound but the music ruined it.

The gameplay sounds are well done with explosions, shattering glass, machine guns, tires skidding, etc. So thats all well and good, but then you have the music. Theres probably only like seven licensed tracks, some of which are by good bands like Sum 41 and The Used. But they seem to switch back fourth spontaneously with some techno and drumb n bass songs so you can barely hear them most of the time. The songs they have are good (for the most part), their just used horribly.

Value --- 5

You probably won't be playing this too long after you beat it.


Graphics - 7

Gameplay - 7

Sound - 6

Tilt - 7

Value - 5

Overall - 6.4