Don't believe the NEGATIVE hype, this game really isn't that bad.

User Rating: 6.5 | Fugitive Hunter: War on Terror PS2
I knew that this game had horrible ratings before I bought it. But it was cheap, and I like playing horrible games because sometimes they're so bad they're fun to laugh at, like Trigger Man. I was really let down by how NOT horrible this game is, although it definitely has weak points. The storyline is surprisingly good. You start off killing & capturing low level street thugs, and work your way through connections to more big time terrorists, until eventually you catch up to Osama Bin Laden. In the process, you kill a ton of terrorists, and that's always fun. After you catch the terrorists (you can't kill them) and cuff them, your character gives them a nice kick to the head and some more beating, I thought that was a nice touch. The graphics were pretty good, and weapon variety wasn't bad. The game takes place in several different environments, all detailed fairly nicely. The game also contained some bonus movies, such as "making of" clips, which were actually decent. Yeah, there are some bad points too. The main one is the fight scenes. As mentioned, you can't kill the actual wanted terrorists, you have to apprehend them. Even if you blow them up with grenades, they don't die... In order to apprehend them, the game switches to third person view, and you have to used hand to hand combat. These fight sequences are absolutely awful. There's an invisible wall restricting where you can move to, so you can try to back away, but you can no longer go back, and you get the crap kicked out of you. There really isn't any strategy I could find for fighting, I just mashed all of the buttons repeatedly and usually won. Another negative is that the enemies can just pop up anywhere. You can clear a room or cave, then turn around to exit, and all of a sudden you're getting shot in the back by someone who wasn't there a second ago, and couldn't have entered from anywhere. There was one occasion where an enemy just materialized in front of me. This pretty much takes any strategy out of the game. This is also a pretty short game. There are other bad points too, but they're fairly small and expected since this is a budget game. Overall, if you like FPS's, there are better ones out there, but this game is definitely playable. If you can get it for a few dollars, go for it.