Fuel; An Open-world and good visuals but how are the mechanics under the hood?

User Rating: 6 | Fuel PC
Fuel's open-world with huge zones and many vehicles of all sorts extends the offroad racing genre in a positive way. It's all presented at a slick graphical level in a real moody setting of a world struck by global warming. The game will show you great environments; bad weather or burning sunshine, combined with grassy muddy area's and trees wrecked by toxic rain or soft sandy areas and beaches. All great. You can find a lot of collectibles in the form of helmets, clothing, car decals etc. and events are presented well on a radar or 360deg compass.
Too bad that the game runs out of positive remarks here. Behind all these well added ingredients a lot of uninspired clumsiness appears. The player needs to wrestle through unintuitive and inefficient menus with illogical key mappings to get to his events quickly, change his character appearance or even change the difficulty of a event. Then there are the dozens of messages popping up and stopping the game to "help" the player around the world which disrupt the flow of the game especially in the early stages. All the transports handle differently but the game fails to get you in touch with the terrain. It feels very indirect and simple and to be honest, the game is simple. In the first zones the races will seldom force you to try easier difficulties or inspire you to use "your own intuition" as the game suggest you should do.
Then, even though the graphics look great overall, the stuttering at some weather types and even worse the fact that you cant ride a single race across the zone without the game having to load parts of the terrain and freezing your game for short moments..in the race!!... is just despicable. Under the bonnet of this game a lot of design flaws are made and with all it's good intentions Fuel will give you the feeling the game works because of duct tape and patching. This is not how games should be made or played and just to tip the scale even further into the negative red... PC-gamers wont turn off their system during a loading screen or whatever, so stop bothering warning them....