No steering wheel support. No dashboard view. Online racing is weak at best. It's a sad day for PC racers.

User Rating: 2.5 | Fuel PC
If your a true racing sim fan, don't bother with this. Classic example of a console game being ported directly to PC with no PC value.

Codemasters created DiRT, arguably one of the best racing simulation games ever but they left out one key factor in replayability; Online head to head. Fuel gave you that but took away any reason to race when they opted for XBOX360 controller or keyboard only. The only force feedback option is "Vibration - on/off". Ouch.

Maybe us hardcore racing sim fans are a dying breed in the era of console gamers. XBOX is effectively lowering the bar for all games, but racing games are by far the biggest casualty.

The best alternatives for true racing fans on the PC are still classics like GTR2, GT Legends, Race 07, STCC, etc. Even the free online game Project Torque is a far better example of physics, controller freedom and online competition.

In it's defense I would like to say the graphics are spectacular and the world is immense, but it takes more than this to make a great racing game. Let's hope DiRT 2 is truer to the online racing community because Fuel is a major dissapointment.