Such a boring repetitive game. I wouldnt have expected this from Codemasters

User Rating: 4.5 | Fuel X360
Codemasters has made some great racing games (dirt and grid being my favorites) but this game is nothing like them, even though it never claimed to be. physics seems like your driving on ice. the speedo may say your doing over 100mph but i think i can run faster than the cars seem to be going. you start out on the motorcycle and i have to say its boring. you can go hit the gas and brake, thats about it. it pretends to let you shift your weight forward and back but it doesnt really have an effect. you can lean all the way back and hit the gas and the tire might pop up about 6 inches but not for long. cant lean while jumping or to handle rough terrain. whenever you wreck (happens alot) it sends you to a loading screen before you respawn. if there was a good thing about this game it would be that the free roam world is enormous. you unlock one region at a time by winning races which give you stars. i have not unlocked any other region besides the one you start in and it takes about 20 minutes to get from one end of it to the other. im guessing when the world is fully unlocked it would take well over an hour to get from one end to the other at 100+mph (no joke). the downside to this is that to unlock cars you have to find them in the world. it would take hours to get them all. took me over half an hour to get the first 2. i think codemasters focused on the enormous repetitive world more than the actual driving part. very disappointed and will be returning this rented game early