This is a review about single player mode. I never tried this game online, nobody probably playing anyways...

User Rating: 6 | Frontlines: Fuel of War X360
Well the game started out good, cool intro some heavy metal guitar... first few mission went alright. It took few minutes to realise arcade nature of this game. Then fps slowly turned into a battlefield rip off, not even a good kind of rip off but very bad one.

Whole game resolves around new innovation of battle droids or whatever they are called. They are cool but they don't make up for lack of substance in a game.

Game doesn't have an ammo count, instead you reload mags like in Chronicles of Riddick, and ammo left in previous mag is wasted which is somewhat realistic but in real life you can reuse mags with some ammo in them so that is debatable.

In single player you get to control humvee like vehicle, tank and a assault helicopter(for like 2 minutes).

Friendly AI is stupid no doubt, they don't cover you and they only get into a building after you went into it. Pretty much you are playing Rambo.

Well most importantly. Things that made me mad:
- Stupid AI
- Guys with rocket launchers are everywhere, gets ridicilous
- Tank mission was lame as hell, shoot shoot go repair
- Not enough helicopter mission
- TANKS....they can't run over even a single little flatted out car, or run over a metal post due to game's engine limitations. I couldn't get my tank down the stairs in final mission. DOWN the stairs!

Game is just bad as single player...