Awsome addictive stategy game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Front Mission: The First DS
Don't let the ancient 16 bit graphics turn you off. This is a great game. The way it's set up you actually have two storylines to follow giving this game instant replayability right off the bat. Both stories are well worth the trip, and are unique enough to offer different strategies in completing battles. There is a somewhat high learning curve when you start out, but once you figure out how to upgrade your "wanzers" and customize them, then you'll be hooked into the whole Front Mission universe. Not all of the Front Mission games have been released in the U.S. Front Mission 3 came out for the PS1(And I highly recommend you find that one if you can) and Front Mission 4 for the PS2. I can only hope that part 2 is brought over someday. For now though you have a deeply satifying TBSG with this one.