Some ppl may realy hate it.. Some ppl just love it...

User Rating: 7.8 | From Russia With Love GC
James Bond is what we all know quite an game.. but i think that what they did with "From Russia with Love" is quite different in compare with the other Bond episodes. you can see you're whole figure. The Single player mode is really nice but almost to easy to play.. the learning curve is about 10 minutes. and when you complete the single player there aint things you're unlocking... anyhow the multiplayer is very fun... for an hour... there only is one level i like to play multiplayer and that is "missle silo" you can ride a car, boost you're jetpack or just launch one of the 2 missles in the middle of the level. the other levels are very annoying to play. if you really are a bond fan this might be the game for you.. if you just like an party shooter maybe you first have to rent this or just play Medal of honor or games that look like medal of honor...