Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. Vrooooom. Splat.

User Rating: 6 | Frogger ARC
You are the frog of the title. You must make your way from the lilypad, across a pond beset with floating tree trunks and other hazards, and then traverse another obstacle, a road packed with traffic, before you can get to safety in your comfortable new abode.

And you thought all there was to do was sit around eating flies!

It would have been nice to see the frog have some self-defense abilities beyond moving somewhere else, but this was early on and the game was not the model you see in later sequels. Just amphibian versus nature, nothing more, nothing less.

This simple but maddening arcade centerpiece became hugely popular on the home systems, too. It was one of the biggest games for two-player duels. Now you didn't have to steal the controller from your brother!

Simple as it is, this game still has charm and challenge.