Specifically designed for Technical, Top Notch Players; Considered the Best Engine Available

User Rating: 10 | Fritz 9: Play Chess PC
The first thing I have to point out is that the review of this game offered by gamespot is inappropriate. It is obvious that noone who revied this game is a serious chessplayer, and this is what this game is designed for. I will make an analogy. If the average person got behind the wheel of Dale Earnhardt's car and drove it, he'd probably complain that the shifting was too difficult, the seating was uncomfortable, the handling was too stiff, the clutch was too hard, etc....BECAUSE THAT CAR IS DESIGNED TO DO A JOB THAT 99.9% OF THE PEOPLE OUT THERE ARE NOT TRAINED TO DO. That is exactly what is going on here in this review. The reviewers have taken a highly technical piece of software designed for top-flight competitive analysis, and reviewed it within the context of your average video game. THIS PROGRAM IS NOT INTENDED FOR ANYONE OTHER THAN COMPETITIVE, HIGHLY SKILLED PEOPLE WHO TAKE THEIR CHESS VERY SERIOUSLY....AND NOT THE AVERAGE VIDEO GAME CROWD.

Anyone considering purchasing the Fritz series has to understand that this program is a highly specialized, extremely technical, and very powerful piece of chess software designed for competitive players within the rating ranges of 1700 up to Grandmaster. This is not a "user friendly" program for the average player. It is, however, considered at the top levels of competetive chess, to be the best chess engine available for training and analysis. It is the "industry standard", so to speak. One of its very strong features is its compatibility with "Chess Base"; a series of software programs that analyze and train in very specific areas of study (i.e. French Defense, Sicilian Dragon, etc...)

If you are a competition player searching for a technical training tool and dont mind a bit of a learning curve, this program will last you for the rest of your life. If you are a moderate or average player who is looking for a friendly game of chess, try Chessmaster 10th edition.