More fun than some of the weaker entries in the film series! Lack a lot but the levels are expansive for an NES game.

User Rating: 6.6 | Friday the 13th NES
In this game you play as a potential victim of Jason Voorhees. Basically your main objective is to avoid him throughout some of the most expansive levels that the NES could bring at that point. The gameplay is marginal to good varying greatly depending on which part of the game you are playing. This game would have been greatly improved if there was a save feature or a password system. One interesting aspect of this game, that it switched frequently between 2-D and some horrible pseudo 3-D (actually very well developed for the time) in the homes that you enter. It is here that you have to worry most that somethings lurking behind you. che che......... che che. You will get hacked up many times before you enjoy this. Entertaining.