Holy Crap!

User Rating: 1.4 | Friday Night 3D Bowling PC
This is a horrible game. I just bought this from Gamestop for $5, which is about $10 too much for this game. The physics are horrible. The characters are horrible (in create-a-character it looks like they're wearing clown shoes). Thrown the ball is about as confusing as the human brain. I thought I threw the ball perfect, but it misses everytime. The instruction book just confuses you more. Just everything about this game is horrible. I can't belive TI wasted 20 minutes installing and playing this game. My advice, pick up Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 1 or 2, both are excellent, or wait unitl AMF Xtreme Bowling 2006 comes out, hopefully that won't be as bad as AMF 2004, and it definantly can't be worse than Friday Night.