The instant i read the back of the box i liked it.

User Rating: 9 | Freelancer PC
The story line is good, the single player is cool to play with out the mission's but the game really comes in to its own with mods and multiplayer, the fun of joining groups, its even more fun when role-playing, the universe is immense and again mods can make them even bigger, the controls are easy to use, the economy is well thought out just like the npc's are, if your a trader and you piss off the pirates the game is going to really hard for you, same as if your a bounty hunter and you annoy the police.

I think the game's bad points are everything seems to be on the same plain I mean you stand on the edge of the map and everything is on the same level, the npc's voices get repeated after a while which can get annoying and the SP non story missions are all pretty much go and destroy this for your reward.

Oh and there are hidden stuff in the game like ship wreaks and long forgotten artifacts driffing in space.