Awesome game for $20.

User Rating: 9 | Freelancer PC
Got this game in the bargain bin for $20. It took me a bit to get the hang of it, as there is good bit to know to pilot a fighter. Far simpler than Freespace 2 though. Once I got the hang of it, it sucked me in. An absolutely incredible game that has a really great single player. I agree that some missions can get repetitive, and much of the background audio gets recycled a lot, but the game play is fun and addictive. One bug I found by accident that helps a lot on missions is if you use mines in the game, they never run out. Use them with your lasers for great increased fire power.

There are a lot of nice little touches in the game that shows a lot of thought on the designers part. Things like traveling between space systems using jump gates and accelerators make it fast to get around in the game. All the action takes place in space, so when you are on a planet or space station, there's not a whole lot you can do. You can fix your ship, buy/sell weapons; buy/sell ships; go to the bar and get jobs/info; or buy/sell commodities. That's about it. Makes for a more focussed game. Get what you need, and get back out there and blow stuff up! After I finish Freelancer, gonna dust off Freespace 2 and give it a go again. They just don't make 'em like this anymore.