"Another army game for those who like guns and taking out anger"

User Rating: 9 | Freedom Fighters PS2
Having a really bad and irritating game. You can shoot all day long and don't have to worry about going to jail. Some people prbably wonder is the violence on these games safe. Well if you are old enough, you should know the difference between a game and reality. Anyhow, this is a fun game, army, get to play around with frags, and grenades and things as such. Maybe I just like the guns, or the shooting people. I find it helps to take away stress when I'm angry. Still a fun game, though, you get to experience the things that go on doing wars. Also the graphics are cool, some places you here gunshots, people screaming, and buildings on fire. The sound is pretty cool, the screams and gunshots sound almost real. You should try this game, I think you or almost anyone would like it.