Although it looks well, it lacks of flow and a veriaty of tricks.

User Rating: 5.1 | Freak Out: Extreme Freeride PC
Freak Out - Extreme Freeride is a not-so-sure-of-himself ski game.
On the one hand you have a dangerous slope you need to deal with and on the other hand you have to preform challenges.

I still can't tell if its a "Do tricks and ger scores game" such as SSX or is it a "Go down the slope as fast as you can"; FOEF tries to combine both and fails.

There are only 2 tricks in the game, a grab and a special trick, both can be combined with flips and turns, but it's just not enough.

Although the game sounds great and looks beautiful and colorful its just not worth playing. You'll get disappointed very fast.

Don't get there. just don't.