This and all my life

User Rating: 1 | Frantic Flea SNES
Frantic Flea is quite possibly the worst game ever. I can't stand this f***ing game. It's so god dam hideous!

Anyway, when you play as this f***ing flea, you explore and save the baby fleas in this weird god dam laboratory. It's f***ing horrible! I just can't stand playing this game. It might have photocensored the gamers or something. Also, we've got a time limit, which scares the @#$% out of me! Like OMG this game is really such a pain in this @$$. It just makes no sense whatsoever.

I really hate it when the flea gets his head inflated and float in midair. It's so pointless. I mean what kind of sense does that make?!

Frantic Flea is probably such an atrocious piece of $h1t. I'm sorry but, I can't take this anymore. It just has earned a D minus or maybe an F minus. So I had to give this game a 1 out of 10. Even though nobody likes this f***ing game, this one has got to go. Don't ever play this f***ing game. And don't ever download it into your computer. I mean it. I'm serious.