Simply the BEST racer on the original xbox!!!

User Rating: 10 | Forza Motorsport XBOX
With all the recent hype about the upcoming Forza 2 its very easy to forget the Original Xbox masterpiece that still offers plenty of racing excellence two years after its release. If you still havent upgraded to a 360 (or even if you have), and care anything for motorsports in general, then you owe it to yourself to add this game to your collection. This game delivers in all aspects......
1. Graphics- This is as good as it gets on the Xbox; when I play this game on my 360 it doesnt look any different, just a framerate increase.
2. Sound- There arent many great racing games out there that have a great soundtrack to go along with it .Not to mention the outstanding in game sound effects.. When you get passed or pass another car you will hear the engine loud and clear as you go by..a feature most racers leave out.
3. Gameplay- The menus are all easy to navigate and easy on the eyes.The player feels connected to the car and the road through an outstanding physics engine.
4. Value- As of this writing one can expect to find this game for about 10 USD witch is well worth it , if only to hold you over till FM2 releases. Try looking in game specialty shops like Gamestop or EbGames as they are much more likely than say, Wal Mart to still have this 2 year old title. Now go get youre copy today!!!